Sexy cars and cold hands were the name of the game at last weekend’s Drift Indy Street League Showoff.
Walking the pits and seeing everybody’s new or refreshed builds was super rad. For the most part, we didn’t see any huge setup changes, but there were plenty of nice little style updates. Color changes, new aero, repaired body work, etc.

Some of the most notable changeups came from the Auto Shop Defeat folks and from Team Smooth Brain. Coy Pendleton, Miranda Davis and new addition to Auto Shop Defeat Chris Morton are all rocking a new off-white color and I believe will all be getting matching liveries, though Miranda’s the only one that had it finished in time for the Showoff.

The TSB boys are back and have all found themselves behind the wheels of assorted S-chassis.

Isaac Lemley and Saketh Thillai broke out a pretty unique champagne color for their rides, pretty reminiscent of that late 90s, early 2000s Camry gold. Instead of ferrying around grandmothers or your local aspiring drug dealer, though, their Camry gold rides throw down and look sick doing it.

Team Breaking was pitted next to the golden boys, and their lineup was as nicely put together as we’ve come to expect. Derek Bianski’s FD RX7 is sporting some nice new highlighter accents, and Jon Lewis brought out his new 240 hatch. Jordan Tippmann’s Nissan Laurel looked as dope as always.

Roy Outcalt and Mike Drake both updated their colors to match Colten Terrell’s 240, forrming a trio that I, personally, am very excited to watch drive together. Here’s to hoping Mike’s hand and arm heal up quick so we can see them all get some laps together!

Speaking of the Drakes, Deidra’s secret color update came out great. It’s something between a sky blue and a robin’s egg blue. It’ll be great to see what she and other DISL newcomers can accomplish this season.

While Bobby’s Crew and Team Shade both had some members in attendance, we’re still waiting to see them all buttoned up and whole.
Team Bad Blood came out swinging this season. They all take a ton of pride in their rides, and it shows. They're still experimenting with the best lineup for team trains and working around their varied power, but once they get it figured out it's gonna be tight.

Team Wallsdeep and their G35s round us out with a nice color update. I’m not normally a fan of color-shift wraps, but I think it works well with these cars.

With our official Opening Day just a week away and Round 1 of DISL right around the corner, April’s gonna be jam-packed with cool cars and rad driving.